Pregnant? Consider all your options

on May 16, 2018

Pregnant? Consider all your options

Posted in Adoption Stories, Birth Mother Stories

Not every pregnancy is the same. For some, it’s a moment of joy and excitement. For others, who had not planned for this moment, it brings about feelings of anxiety, fear and confusion. It’s important to remember, in times like these, that there are a multitude of options for your unplanned pregnancy. One of those is adoption.

Every woman is different, just as every pregnancy is different. So it’s critical that you consider your own situation and what truly is best for you and the baby. The first step to finding what is right for you is considering which agency best suits your needs. How will you be supported throughout the pregnancy? What resources are available to you after you’ve placed your baby? What sort of relationship will you be able to have with the baby, if that is something you desire? Those are all questions that a good agency should be able to answer.

Adoption is not perfect for every situation, but with thousands of wonderful families waiting to adopt, it may be the right choice for you. Here are some of the main reasons why women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy choose adoption:

Lack of Family or Community Support

What’s that old saying? “It takes a village to raise a child.” This phrase couldn’t be more spot on. If you don’t have a solid support circle of family and friends to help you with the baby, the thought of becoming a parent could be overwhelming. In addition, if your family is firmly against your pregnancy, for any reason, the situation could present additional challenges.

You Don’t Want To Be a Single Parent

It’s no secret, being a single parent is not easy, both emotionally and financially. In cases where a birth father is not supportive of the pregnancy or simply not in the picture, adoption might be the best, most loving option. It would provide your baby the chance to grow up in a supportive, caring home with two parents who love them more than life itself.

The Time isn’t Right

Everyone has goals in life. Everyone has dreams. Maybe this pregnancy doesn’t fit into the future you’ve planned for yourself. Whether you’re already caring for other children, focused on your eduction/career or simply don’t have the resources to become a parent, adoption could be the best option for both you and the child.

You Want The Best Future for you Baby

Every parent wants the best future for his or her child. They want them to have every opportunity in life to succeed. If you know that providing the best environment for your child is not something you’re able to do, then you can rest assured that there are plenty of adoptive parents who are willing and happy to provide those opportunities. In situation like these, adoption can be the greatest gift you could ever give a child.

Parenting Isn’t Your Cup of Tea

To put it simply, some people just don’t want to be parents. And that’s okay. Maybe you want to dedicate your life to your career or pursue dreams that will take you around the globe. That’s incredible. And knowing yourself well enough to know you don’t want to be a parent is commendable. Taking the steps to ensure your child can have a beautiful life without you is a brave and loving choice.

If you are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and want to learn more about adoption, you can always talk with us. The team here at Birth Mother Baskets can help you better understand your options, introduce you to ethical, well-known agencies and provide you with the resources you need to help you make an informed decision.

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