Business Leadership: Staying Centered by Greg Phelps

on June 5, 2019

Business Leadership: Staying Centered by Greg Phelps

Posted in Press Releases

I’ve been on the creative side of the business world for most of my career and likewise with sales. Being in sales means you are responsible for bringing in the money that pays for the office, lights, payroll and everything else. That’s a lot!

Usually, it doesn’t phase me. I’m comfortable in the role. However, I have to admit – I do have my days when I’m not feeling it. What are they calling that these days? Burnout, I think is the word.

In my role as Director of Sales and Marketing, it’s my job to create ways of illustrating how our products can make life easier for our customers. So, I’ll write compelling content, find the right image to associate with the message and then format it all into a clean marketing package. Then, the campaign starts. The message gets sent out and eventually played out.Then, back to the drawing board to repeat the cycle.

When you combine this creative process with all of the other responsibilities of the job, it can get to be quite overwhelming. And it’s here, in the world of constantly treading water, that I worry about burnout.

Now look, burnout happens to all of us. It happens even to the best of us. But after years of being in a high-stress role, I have found a way to cope with the stress and avoid burnout. My secret? Nature.

My yard is my sanctuary. I plant flowers that attract honeybees, butterflies and songbirds. It takes hours of work each week, but that work reminds me of my grandmother, whose memory brings me joy and helps regenerate my soul. She would always say, fingers in the dirt bring you closer to God. Physically yes, it’s work, but it’s also a time for meditation. Whenever I’m working in the yard, I’m visualizing all that I want to bring to career and life. I’m thinking positive thoughts.

When I’m sitting outside on my patio in the evening, reflecting on my work, I’m surrounded by the images that bring me peace and sounds that reduce stress. In those moments I’m open to suggestions from the universe and a feeling of connectedness. It’s in this state that I bypass burnout and find my “center.”

Adoption and foster care are very high-stress industries. They require a great amount of compassion, empathy and patience. If you’re reaching the point of near-burnout, I encourage you to step back and think about where you find your inner peace. Once you realize where that place is, don’t just go to it. Run to it. Life is too short to be burnt out.

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