Using Lists in your Adoption Profile

on October 20, 2017

hand holding pen writing in notebook

Using Lists in your Adoption Profile

Posted in Writing Tips

Stuck on Writing? Try Using Lists in Your Adoption Profile.

For the most part, most hopeful adoptive parents stick with the classic, three paragraph approach to each section of their adoption profile. This is a great way to elaborate and truly express individuality. But, many parents want to know if they can go another route and use lists. Using lists in your adoption profile is great for when you want to provide insight without using too many words.

Lists might sound boring, but they can be creative! So, without further ado, here are some ideas for lists that you can incorporate into your own parent profile. Enjoy!

Using Lists in Your Adoption Profile: “About Me

  • If I could have dinner with one person, living or dead, it would be ____
  • My spirit animal is the ___
  • If a famous actor/actress were to narrate my life it would be ___
  • My favorite season is ___
  • My first car was a ____ and it’s name was ___
  • My favorite cartoon character is ____
  • My first concert was _____ and the most recent concert I went to was ____
  • Back in the ___’s, I’m ashamed to say I wore _____ (Fashion Trend, ex. 00’s, Crocs)
  • If I had one superpower it would be _____
  • Though I work in (Finance), when I was a kid I wanted to be a (Trash Collector)

In the “Our Home/Community” Section

  • Our Favorite Community Hangout
  • Room with the Best View
  • Favorite Room
  • Favorite Piece of Furniture
  • Most Recent DIY Project
  • Funniest Kitchen Memory
  • The First Piece of Furniture We Bought Together
  • Favorite Annual Event in Town
  • One Word to Describe Our Dog

Using Lists in the “Our Family” Section

  • Best Tradition
  • Oldest Family Member on Each Side
  • Favorite Family Keepsake
  • Favorite Family Recipe
  • Annual Family Vacation Spot
  • Family’s Claim to Fame

Using Lists in Your Adoption Profile: “Hobbies and Interests”

For this section, consider writing out 5-6 favorites for each of you and then use the rest of the text to write about what you enjoy doing together.

Jake’s Favorites

  • Cooking, Smoking Meats on the Green Egg
  • Working Out
  • Going to Sporting Events
  • Traveling, Both Near and Far
  • Gardening and Canning

Megan’s Favorites

  • Reading
  • Photography
  • Volunteering
  • Brunching with Friends and Family
  • Yoga

Using Lists in Your Adoption Profile Can Be a Great Way to Get Creative!

It’s important to realize that these are just ideas. Feel free to make up your own or take some from this list. We are always thinking about new ways to make your profile more engaging. We hope this helps and we look forward to seeing what you all come up with!

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