Single Parent Adoption – Your Profile

on July 1, 2016

woman sits looking out at water

Single Parent Adoption – Your Profile

Posted in Writing Tips

Single Parent Adoption – “Welcome to Me”

In this special edition of Who Are You?, we are focusing on all of our singles! In this post, we will talk about what kinds of chapters work best for a single parent. While couples have a standard seven chapters to tell their story, single parents have much more freedom to construct a unique narrative.

1. Opening Your Single Parent Adoption Profile

To begin, it’s essential to set the tone in your Opening Chapter. This chapter should focus on introducing yourself to the birth mother and explaining why you are pursuing single parent adoption. This is a good time to clear the air, and explain what makes your lifestyle advantageous for a child to be raised in, as opposed to the birth mom choosing to parent.


I very much look forward to being a mom and have always wanted to adopt. Honestly, by now I thought I would have found that special someone to spend the rest of my life with, but sometimes our best-laid plans don’t come to pass. I still would like to meet a great guy to share my life journey with; however in the meantime, I am so ready to be single mom. I have a fantastic and flexible career and so much love in my heart to share with a child.

2. Writing About Childhood and Education

The next chapter that we’d recommend is a chapter about your Childhood and Education. While couples must try to fit this into their “About Me” section, you are able to tell more of a story here – so take advantage of that! Tell us about growing up, your passions as a child and what lead you to pursue the career you have today.


While I may have always dreamed of a childhood on a farm, with lots of animals and endless amounts of adventure in the woods – that was not my childhood. I grew up on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, with honking cars, bodegas full of treats and quick subway rides with my mom, grasping my hand for dear life. It wasn’t until I was in my teens that I realized how lucky I was to grow up in the big Apple. But once I did, I took advantage of everything the city had to offer.

In middle school and high school, I took my childish love for finger painting and turned it into a passion. I enrolled in a special school for the arts and spent the next six years working away, easel by easel.

After high school, I went to an art school, only twenty minutes by train from my parent’s apartment. I met new people, practiced new concepts and learned the business of art. My passion for painting and design has brought so much joy into my life and I cannot wait to share that with a child. I’m excited to see the beautiful works of art they create!

3. Career, Passions, and What You Hope to Share Through Single Parent Adoption

After the Childhood and Education chapter, comes the My Life chapter. In this chapter, we want to learn more about you as an adult. Tell us about your career, your passions and what you would like to share with a child.


While I consider myself, first and foremost, to be an artist – I should admit that I’m also a teacher and small business owner. Over the years, I have played the roles of fine dining hostess, struggling painter, graduate student and “world’s greatest aunt.” But in the last five years, I’ve settled down and started thinking more long term.

In 2012, after a string of successful painting sales and guest lectures, I took a position at my alma mater as an associate professor. I teach studio classes three days a week, and help young artists find their “voice.” When I’m not at the school, you’ll probably find me in my studio, above my gallery. I still sell some paintings, here and there but for the most part, I give my students a place to show their work in my gallery.

Life can be stressful at times, so I always try to find some peace by visiting Central Park, a nearby museum or going to find the most delicious croissant in town (guilty pleasure)! I have spent my whole life in the city, yet it still surprises me every day!

Who Are You?

These first three chapters – Introduction, My Childhood and Education and My Life – should be the anchor of your profile. They tell about who you are, where you are from and why you want to become a parent. Everything after this should act as color to the story you’ve already laid out. Then, follow the standard chapter options to discuss things like home and community, hobbies, traditions, and family and friends.

Considering single parent adoption

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