I Lived on Parker Ave

on February 23, 2018

I Lived on Parker Ave

Posted in Adoption Stories

All around the country, adoptions take place each and everyday. However, it’s rare that the amazing stories behind these adoptions get told on the big screen. That’s why we’re so excited about the upcoming film, I Lived on Parker Ave.

I Lived on Parker Ave is the story of David Scotton (who plays himself), who was adopted at birth through Kirsh & Kirsh in Indianapolis, Indiana. It follows his journey from the tough decisions the tough decision his birth mother faced while considering adoption to their reunion nearly 22 years later. It’s a heartwarming, tearjerking tale that will surely resonate with anyone who has experienced adoption firsthand.

The film will be available to watch online on March 8th and will premiere at the Studio Theatre in Carmel, Indiana on March 14th. The premiere will be MC’d by Steve Kirsh of the adoption law firm Kirsh & Kirsh P.C. and will feature a discussion with David, his birth mother and the producers of the film. To RSVP for the premiere follow this link.

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