First Impressions Mean Everything

on October 3, 2019

First Impressions Mean Everything

Posted in Photo Tips

When birth mothers are given a stack of adoption books to review, they’re most likely going to to gravitate to the profile that resonates with them the most. So when it comes to choosing a cover photo for your adoption profile, you should think long and hard about what that photo says about you.

Do you look your best? 

Is your smile radiant and give off a sense of happiness?

Is the lighting right and the photo clear as can be?

The best cover photos are ones that tell a story without any words. They are the photos that show who you are and the love you have to share with a child. The background should resonate with your personality and your “look” should reflect who you are as a person. No need to get all jazzed up with suit and tie or a fancy dress. Instead wear that favorite denim shirt or that barn jacket that shows some age – it gives you character!

Here are some examples of great cover photos to help you decide which one you should use.

Vincent and Sheila’s cover photo is great for several reasons. First, their outfits are “normal” and don’t give off any sort of pretentious vibes. Secondly, the background is perfect for their personalities. They love to travel, hike and explore. What better picture to describe that than this one? Finally, the quote they chose to use perfectly matches up with the feeling the picture evokes.

Like the previous photo, Ayan and Eric’s cover really speaks volumes to who they are both as individuals and as a couple. Their demeanor tells you that Ayan is the vivacious one, while Eric is a bit more reserved. Also, using a picture from their trip to Machu Picchu shows that they are adventurous and worldly.

Our team has always been a big fan of Cristina and Ken’s cover photo for one reason, and one reason only. They look like a couple who is in love! Their wedding rings are showing, Cristina looks so very joyful and Ken is clearly in love with the woman he is holding. This is perfect!

The one thing that we love about Theresa’s cover is that in her book she talks about how she lives right by a big park, where she loves to walk her dogs. She mentions that it’s her favorite time of day and that she can’t wait to share that tradition with a child. So choosing this photo perfectly played into that and it shows her in her most natural environment. Also, who can turn down a cute dog? I mean look at those two… they’re adorable!

Finally, Jay and Kate’s photo is a good example of how important lighting can be for your cover photo. See how radiant they look? It’s perfect! If you don’t have a good photo to use for your cover photo already, consider hiring a photographer to take a couple of shots. Who knows, maybe you could repurpose them for next year’s Christmas card, as well.

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