Celebrate National Birth Mother’s Day! May 10th, 2019

on April 13, 2019

Celebrate National Birth Mother’s Day! May 10th, 2019

Posted in Birth Mother Stories

National Birth Mother’s Day is observed the Saturday before Mother’s Day, May 11th. Have you ever celebrated Birth Mother’s Day by sending a birth mother a loving card or gift? Mother’s Day and birthdays are two emotional holidays for most birth parents. They bring up a lot of memories and thoughts of their child.

Many organizations now have support groups that gather on Birth Mother’s Day, to offer a safe place to connect. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who have been through the same experience can be very healing. A simple gesture, such as sending a birth mother a card, is sometimes all it takes to remind her how much you appreciate her. If you are a birth parent, I encourage you to reach out to your fellow birth mother friends and offer a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. Get together and share pictures of your child as you brag about how cute they are.

If you are still waiting to be matched, send a gift to a birth mother that you know or ask your friends if they know a birth mother. It doesn’t matter if you know them directly; a friendly note can go a long way. Being mindful of Birth Mother’s Day post-placement is a wonderful way to show your love and gratitude for the birth mothers in your life.

National Birth Mother’s Day, May 10th. Mark your calendar.

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