Worry Doesn’t Change the Outcome by Greg Phelps
Posted in Press ReleasesAs I sit down to write this week’s blog, it is pouring rain outside. Our office has ceiling tiles removed, and buckets have replaced our area rug due to a reoccurring leak in the roof. The CAIRS Indy office is located in a 100-year-old building that was once an auto manufacturing facility. It’s since been revitalized and now hosts a brewery, art studios, a gallery, furniture makers and CAIRS. It’s a cool place. However, there is still some revitalizing left to do.
My responsibility is to be a leader despite what may be raining in or out of the office. In these last five years, I’ve lost my brother; my wife fought off breast cancer; and our oldest daughter and her 6-year-old twins moved back in with us thinking that she’d be finishing college, only to find out that she had colon cancer. She ended treatment two months ago. All is well (fingers crossed).
Still, the world spins and business happens. I’ve learned enough about the human spirit and inner strength to fill a book. One theme that dominates all of this is that “worry doesn’t change the outcome.”
As business leaders, we are thrown more curve balls than a power hitter in the World Series. Still, our focus and commitment is to grow our business and provide our team with an environment where they can thrive. If we allow circumstances to distract us, then worry will dictate our actions. That’s not to say we won’t have bad days. We’re only human. Our job is to see above the clouds and apply wisdom before moving forward with a strategic plan.
The world of adoption has changed dramatically over these past five years. Some of the agencies and attorneys I know felt the downturn, stepped back, made adjustments, and now they are thriving. They felt the belt tighten as adoptions fell, but they didn’t let worry dictate. They embraced the new reality and moved forward with an educated plan. I respect and learn from their experience.
As my wife received chemo and her hair was replaced by bandannas, I took my computer and worked next to her. We relied on the knowledge of her medical team and her inner strength, leaving worry to the kids who didn’t study for their math test. I can’t stop the rain from falling, but I can sow seeds that grow because of those showers. So can you!
Peace and Love – Greg