What is Your Word?by Gina Crotts
Posted in Birth Mother StoriesEvery New Year’s Eve, I pick a word to reflect on throughout the coming year. This year, I struggled to find the word that felt appropriate to take into 2020. At first, I thought growth, but honestly, that was 2019 for me and I’m not sure I am ready for another year of growth. As I sat down to journal this morning, I came across this quote:
If you have been in lack, limitation or anxiety, relax and substitute your stress for the absolute trust that the Universe will provide all good things with generosity and grace. If you find this challenging, take it one step at a time by reprogramming your heart and mind into new habits of peaceful trust. Living like this will feel much better and bring better results, too.
Peaceful trust: it was as if it was being whispered in my ear. Trust, and just like that, I found my word for 2020! Trust the path. Trust the process. Trust my knowledge. Trust my instinct. Trust the Universe.
Often, people tend to question themselves or question the path they are on. As hopeful adoptive parents, I’m sure you have asked yourself if you are on the “right” path. As a birth parent, it was difficult for me to trust the Universe. It wasn’t easy to trust myself. We tend to want to control, control where we are going, what we are doing, and the outcome of everything. But, that is not reality.
Trusting in the whispers, signs, and the gut feelings we all have are key to living a fulfilled and joyful life. If you are anything like me, my inner dialogue questions these signs. I doubt myself and my ability to make decisions or achieve. For me, 2020 is going to be filled with trust.
Trust your relationships. Trust the path you are on. Trust that this adoption journey is exactly where you should be. I think you will be surprised the more you lean in, the smoother and quicker the Universe, God, or whatever higher power you believe in will hear your call and provide.
What is your word for 2020?