How to Write An “About Me” – Adoption Profiles

on July 11, 2016

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How to Write An “About Me” – Adoption Profiles

Posted in Writing Tips

How to Write an “About Me” Chapter

In our third installment of Who Are You?, we will be demonstrating how to write an “About Me” section, which are the second and third chapters of your Parentfinder Adoption Profile. The About Me chapter is your chance to tell your personal story or have your partner talk about who you are and what is most important to you.

When considering the content of the About Me chapter, it’s good to think about what tone you’d like to establish for the rest of the profile. Do you want to talk about your history, do you want to talk about your personality and interests or do you want to have your partner describe what type of person you are? There is no right answer to this, simply what you feel most comfortable with. Let’s look at some examples.

“About Me” Adoption Profile Examples – Writing About Yourself

When writing in first person, and telling the story of your personal history, it is always important to tie your own life experiences into what you hope to share with a child.

As a kid, I was always playing “teacher” by myself. I would set up all my stuffed animals in front of a chalkboard and teach them. I can’t say for sure that this was the moment I knew I’d become a teacher, but my parents do love telling the story! Especially since my parent’s were teachers too.

Once I got to college, choosing a major was an easy decision – it had to be Education. And I’m sure glad I chose that path, because if I hadn’t I would have never met Tara during my first week of student teaching. Since graduating in 2008, I’ve taught high school English and have enjoyed waking up to go to work each day. There is nothing I love more than seeing a student connect the dots and fully understand a concept that we are working through.

My love for teaching and being around children is unmatched. I cannot wait to share my heart, my brain and everything I’ve learned over the years with a child. I’ve been Mr. C for so long, that I cannot wait to just be “Dad.”

How to Write an “About Me” About Your Partner

Writing in first-person can be daunting to some. It’s never easy to talk about yourself. For those that are feeling this anxiety, it may best to have your partner write about you. Let’s take a look at an example of this method:

When I was assigned to be Tara’s student teacher, during my senior year of college, I thought to myself, “Goodness gracious, how am I supposed to learn anything from someone who is only a year older than me?” But boy, was I wrong. Watching her lead the class in a discussion was like watching a conductor command a symphony – she was eloquent, enthusiastic and was inspiring the kids to think outside the box.

When it comes to working with children, Tara is fantastic. She is so caring and always takes the time to truly listen. I’ll never forget the day when one of her students knocked on our door, late a night, in tears after getting into a bad situation. Tara, brought her inside, fixed her a meal and comforted her until her parents were able to come pick her up.

It’s these kinds of moments that make so excited to see her become a mother. I look forward to walking down the hallway, peeking into a child’s bedroom and seeing them cuddled up on the bed, reading a bedtime story. Any child would be lucky to have someone like Tara in their life.

Your “About Me” Section Should Focus on Showing Your Story

Wondering how to write an About Me section that’s perfect? Well, regardless of how you approach writing the About Me sections, remember that you are trying to tell a story about yourself that shows a birth mother that you are unique, loving and ready to bring a child into your life. Be yourself and let your story speak volumes about your character.

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