Adoption Story on 20/20 Tonight
Posted in UncategorizedAndrea’s photo that was shared on Facebook, searching for her birth mother, is not an unfamiliar post to see on social media. I have seen several adoptees searching for their birth parents with photos similar to Andrea’s. I send out loving energy everytime I see a post like this. I often Like and Share the post, hopeful that it ends in a loving reunion of families.
As a birth mother, I have visualized a reunion with the baby girl I placed for adoption and my family. The yearning to have her meet her half siblings and my husband has always been in the forefront of my mind. My extended family is very much a part of my adoption story. My siblings and my parents are all eager to meet her and know her. I know there will be a day when two families will join together to share memories of a beautiful baby girl that all of us love unconditionally. What a wonderful story it will be!
Every adoption story is unique. Every birth parent has different experiences, emotions, and circumstances. I am grateful to see a true adoption story in the media, and I can’t wait to watch Andrea’s unique story unfold on 20/20 tonight.