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Product Development for Adoption and Foster Care

We have built different products helpful in the process of adoption. Major products created by CAIRS are helpful in boosting the Adoption and Foster Care sector. CAIRS has a unique balance of design, development, and technical expertise. CAIRS’ experience ranges from developing products like MyAdoptionPortal, Parent Finder, and ChildConnect.

Leading in Private Adoption Case Management Software.

#1 in Post Adoption Communications software – 10,000 updates

CAIRS is the marketing leader in applying technology to the adoption and foster care markets. Our initial product MAP provides support for both case management and clients seeking to adopt either domestically or internationally.

CAIRS is currently developing the next set of features which include:

Networking waiting child profiles (connecting children to multiple agencies and social workers)

Centralized management of waiting for children that can be displayed through Parent- Finders badge management environment

Integration to MAP for inquiry management